Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is a ministry for children from birth through 5th grade. Our purpose is to provide Bible-based activities and learning for our young children while their families attend Worship Service.
Our Kingdom Kids attend the beginning of the Worship Service with their families, and are dismissed before the offering prayer. We ask that parents walk your nursery-age child(ren) to the room and sign your child(ren) in, so the teachers can get contact information, any special instructions, and meet you as well! This room is located in the lower level of the church. At the end of the service you will return to this same room to pickup your child(ren). Older children will meet their teacher at the foyer doorway and travel to class downstairs together.
Some of the activities Kingdom Kids do are:
- Have fun learning a Bible story and participate in engaging in age appropriate conversation around the story/ teaching.
- Coloring a picture that accompanies the story
- Free play to spark the imagination
Our mission is to help our youngest children to
Know that they are a part of God’s family
Grow in their faith, knowledge and love of Christ, and
Show their love of Christ to others in what they do and say.
Children ages K-5th grade are invited to join the youth group on the 4th Wednesday of the month to help prepare and serve dinner to the church body at 727 Spring St. Winchendon. This evening includes preparing and serving a meal alongside the 5th-12th graders, games & fellowship and is an effort to build intergenerational relationships with the body of Christ!
For more information about these evenings please reach out to the youth leaders here.