Adult Ministries
BILD First Principles Bible Studies

The First Principles Series is a set of 13, six-session, dialogue-based Bible study guides for use by church leaders and mature Christians to establish believers and churches in the faith. Rather than a typical fill-in-the-blank approach, the series employs a highly effective learning process involving biblical passages and readings, community dialogue, and personal reflection and projects. Teaching core principles of Christ and His Apostles, this series guides participants in becoming firmly established in their faith. This study is offered to Men and Women.
Acts Families

We hope you will find that the Chapel Family extends His welcome to you! After our 9am service we continue to meet in homes in the community and at our downtown Chapel location around a meal as "Acts Families". These groups are catalysts to building relationships and helping us live out the church's calling in Acts 2:42. All ages are welcome - We hope you will join us! There is always plenty of food. If you are interested in attending, you are welcome to come to 286 Central St. Winchendon, MA at 11AM or please contact the office to find an alternative location.

The purpose of our Titus 2 women's ministry is to train women in the role they have; living out the gospel and fostering an environment where mentoring relationships are encouraged and occuring within the church. In Paul's letter to Titus he shares about the need for a church to be properly established. Critical to that establishment is the older women teaching the principles of Christ to younger women. This grows the body to maturity and in doing this we as a body of Christ adorn the gospel to the outside world. This Ministry is open to all girls 6th grade and up.
This Year we will meet for a teaching time one month and the next month will be a casual breakfast get together. For the teaching time we will be looking at Beth Moore's book, Breaking Free. We will have rich discussion about how God wants to release us from bondages of the past, and what that might FREE us to do joyfully for him in the future. The best news is, you don't have to buy the book or do homework, you can come anytime and you don't even how to come consecutive months. Just come and let God speak to your hearts and truly let this be a year of restoration and healing in Christ!
Titus 2 Meeting Dates - Downtown 9-11 am
*Breakfast location may change by month
March 22nd - Teaching Saturday April 26th- Breakfast Saturday May 24th- Teaching Saturday
June 28th- Breakfast Saturday July 26th- Teaching Saturday August 23rd- Breakfast Saturday
September 27th- Teaching Saturday October 25th- Breakfast Saturday November 22nd- Teaching Saturday
For More Information about the Titus 2 Ministry please contact:
Claire Paddock: [email protected]
Ashley Davieau: [email protected]